My Relationship History

The amazing home I grew up in had certain values and principles that my parents "enforced". Dating was always something my parents were against and it was highly discouraged in my family. My parents explained that it was not worth it and encouraged us to rather pray for our future spouses (even as young children) and rather aim to go into a relationship with the intention of marriage when the time comes.

Growing up with sisters, I was aware of boys and was generally fine with them until I hit my teen years. Because I was an extremely shy person, boys TERRIFIED me. I really struggled to be around or even have a basic conversation around a guy. I would obviously like any teenage girl, have crushes here and there, but I would never tell anyone, not a soul. I would actually completely avoid the guy if I had a crush on him. After we moved (read my previous post for that whole story) I literally started loosening up; although for me loosening up was actually having a decent conversation with a guy and making eye-contact. Every year it got easier and easier; but breakthrough came in my first year out of school when I did a gap-year program at my church where I was the only girl. It was a big struggle at first, but it grew me so much. Like our team leader always used to say: "There's no growth in comfort". I am now at a place where I still don't have many guy friends and I am not super close with any guy, but I am at least civilized now ;)

In terms of dating, I do remember being frustrated at a stage because "everyone was dating" and I wasn't. It's not really the easiest thing, especially as you go through the higher grades of school, but I can honestly say that it is worth it. For a while the reason I didn't date was because firstly, I didn't want to disappoint God or my parents and secondly, because I was really just too afraid. After the move, my turning point, I started really journeying through this dating and relationships thing with the Lord. Even before then, there was a small part of me that wanted to save myself and not mess around, but after the turning point, my reason for not dating started changing for the sake of honouring God, myself and my future spouse. (I will also do a post on the REASONS I don't suggest dating soon) As the years have past, I have just seen been through such an amazing, but difficult journey of working this thing out; I feel like I learn more every single day.
At this point I strive to be completely satisfied in Jesus and enjoy this time, this adventure that I have now. It is still not always sunshine and roses; it's a daily battle that I fight. I don't always get it right, but that's all part of being human and growing up.
It has not always been an easy journey. Reading this, some of you are probably like: "what in the world?" - it is completely against what is considered a social norm. It's also completely against our human nature and fighting off the temptation and desires is not always easy either. But honestly, I know that I know that I know, it is so worth it.

This past year God has really convicted me to share this journey. For so long I've kind of just overlooked the importance of purity, but God has really showed me how valuable it is. So many people are being lied to, deceived; I trust that through me sharing this journey, that some of those lies will be exposed and that people will have the opportunity to walk in freedom.
