So it's been a while...
I went through a bit of a lagging stage at the end of last year and then I went on this awesome camp called Looking Up and it's really changed my life... here is my testimony :)
So every year or so of my life my relationship with the Lord keeps growing; but I'm sure as many of you experience or know that distractions are temptations we're faced with daily. Anyway so at this camp the first night one of the guys preached on God being our anthem and how when a cricket or rugby or sport team sing their anthem they cry because they love and support their country so much and then how our relationship with God can be like that.. I said to the Lord I wanted that, I wanted to really just love Him so much with no distractions.
The next night after the sermon they said whoever wants to be filled with the spirit or what not should go to the front so I went, along with tons of others and I just stood there in the worship... For that whole time the Holy spirit just touched me and I got what I asked for.. I felt the love of God so strong that I just started crying and then it was just the Lord and I no distractions around me, just the 2 of us :) His love didn't like before just touch me, it exploded in me and ever since then I get less distracted and I just feel God's love so much stronger every day...
He also gave me my heart back for the lost :)
God has a plan for everyone and we all experience Him in different ways, it's encouraging to share and hear everyone's experiences !!!!
So in conclusion I want people to share their testimonies, revelations and experiences on this blog !!!!!!
Lots of love
I went through a bit of a lagging stage at the end of last year and then I went on this awesome camp called Looking Up and it's really changed my life... here is my testimony :)
So every year or so of my life my relationship with the Lord keeps growing; but I'm sure as many of you experience or know that distractions are temptations we're faced with daily. Anyway so at this camp the first night one of the guys preached on God being our anthem and how when a cricket or rugby or sport team sing their anthem they cry because they love and support their country so much and then how our relationship with God can be like that.. I said to the Lord I wanted that, I wanted to really just love Him so much with no distractions.
The next night after the sermon they said whoever wants to be filled with the spirit or what not should go to the front so I went, along with tons of others and I just stood there in the worship... For that whole time the Holy spirit just touched me and I got what I asked for.. I felt the love of God so strong that I just started crying and then it was just the Lord and I no distractions around me, just the 2 of us :) His love didn't like before just touch me, it exploded in me and ever since then I get less distracted and I just feel God's love so much stronger every day...
He also gave me my heart back for the lost :)
God has a plan for everyone and we all experience Him in different ways, it's encouraging to share and hear everyone's experiences !!!!
So in conclusion I want people to share their testimonies, revelations and experiences on this blog !!!!!!
Lots of love
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